Productivity Gain – How Machines and AI can aid Sales Automation and Business Growth

Wish your sales team was more productive? You’re not alone! Frustrated, annoyed, or uncertain. An internet of advice and claimed solutions. 19 steps to success… is this for real! But pause for a moment and reflect. Buyers want to buy. It’s what they do. Most begin work researching digitally. So KISS. Focus on the first […]
Mass Customisation Remains Top Issue For Manufacturers

Over 300 manufacturers gathered for the latest KTN webinar in The Manufacturing Made Smarter Series covering the subject of Mass Customisation. Emerging digital technologies were show-cased with examples of how they are helping deliver growth in productivity, efficiency and competitiveness. AMO Co-Founder and CEO, Rich Ingram, shared insights into the use of digital tech to […]
Converters Join In Collaborative R+D

We are pleased to announce the addition of four manufacturers to the AMO SDE fold. Corrugated case manufacturers Sandland Packaging, Package-In, Diamond Box, and Lea Boxes have joined the collaboration. This grows the team contributing to AMO SDE, an R+D project funded by Innovate UK. Designed to cut purchase times, qualify sales leads and improve […]
AMO secures funding for pioneering AI solution

We are pleased to announce securing major funding from Innovate UK to develop our digital salesperson software to create the AMO SDE product: Sales Design Estimate. It will enable firms to increase sales and productivity around bespoke item purchases. Designed to cut purchase times, qualify sales leads and improve quality, AMO SDE assumes the role […]
UK Government announces £300m to boost UK manufacturing

Businesses with creative ideas to boost the UK’s manufacturing capabilities, including using robotics, AI and augmented reality, are set to receive £300m of joint government and industry funding, Business Secretary Alok Sharma confirmed at London Tech Week today (11 September 2020). AMO is behind one winning project – the Digital Designer Robot – aiming to […]